>Home >Family >Grandkids Happenings in 2006
Connor's Winter Band Concert - December 12 | |
Hannah's Choir Concert - November 28 | |
Connor's Last Baseball Game of Season - October 15 | |
Garth's Mandolin Lesson - September 25 | |
Garth's New Mandolin - September 1 | |
Connor Plays Baseball - August 27 | |
Kyla's Concert - May 26 | |
Hannah's Concert - May 24 | |
Kyla - Athlete - May 16 & 17 | |
Hannah & Kyla Birthday Party - April 2 | |
Garth's 14th Birthday Party - February 5 | |
Connor's 1st Band Concert - February 2 | |
Connor Playing Basketball - January 28 |
Connor's band is greatly improved over their previous performance. They're beginning to make music.
Connor in the alto saxophone section.
Hannah invited us to attend her Eden Prairie Eighth Grade Fall Choir Concert.
Hannah announces the next song they're singing.
The full Eighth Grade Mixed Choir of Eden Prairie - called the 'Blue Choir'.
Sunday, October 15 was a beautiful day. We went to 10:30 church service, attended our grandson, Connor's last baseball game of the season at 1:00, and were treated to a visit from Roger's college roommate and his wife, Hank & Paula, at 3:00.
On a beautiful, sunny Autumn afternoon, we took Garth to his 2nd private Mandolin lesson in Richfield at the Homstead Pickin' Parlor, a really neat place with lots of music and lots of stringed instruments.
This Garth and his mandolin teacher, Gigi.
Our eldest grandson, Garth, begins high school this week and decided to join the band playing his new mandolin. Here's a short video clip for your enjoyment. Click his photo to see & hear him. Then click Back to return to this page.
Our grandson, Connor, decided to play organized baseball this Fall and had his first game on Sunday, August 27, on a beautiful summer afternoon.
Grandma and Grandpa in the shade for the first hour... did not last any longer; but it was a lovely afternoon.
Connor at Bat!
Again, Connor at bat.
Our youngest granddaughter, Kyla, invited us to attend her 3rd grade choral concert.
Kyla is in the front row, 3rd from the right end. They put on a very nice concert.
Hannah, our oldest granddaughter, invited us to attend her 7th grade choral concert. Her Mom, her Dad, and her grandparents were in attendance this time.
In her school of over 1,000 children in her grade, this is one of several choirs. This is a group of 90 boys and girls who sang joyfully while they entertained us well. At least one song was in Spanish. Hannah's head is just above and to our left of the head of the lady playing the piano.
Our 9 year old granddaughter, Kyla, had 2 recent athletic events: her 3rd grade Olympics & her first softball game.
Kyla gets orders from the coach for her first at-bat.
She even looks like a 'slugger.'
Here Kyla and friends 'pose' for their 'Olympic' picture being taken by Kyla's Mom, Kathy.
Kyla's Olympic event was, you guessed it, softball throwing. She's consistent.
Cousins Hannah & Kyla have early spring birthdays, 3 days apart. This year Hannah's dad hosted the family celebration.
Blowing out candles: 9 years and 13 years old.
Kyla's dad, her brother, and Hannah's brother enjoying a good read! :-).
"Flat Stanley" sticking his fingers into the birthday cake. (Stanley is a school assignment to see how many locations he can visit...this guy - or his twin- went to the Holy Land with the other grandma; and also to Hong Kong in the mail-and back.)
Although out of sequence, here are the "grandgirls" in the sidelight of the birthday candles.
Hannah waits to open her presents until Kyla has a turn.
Our oldest grandson, Garth, was born on Super Bowl Sunday in 1992. So this year we celebrated with a birthday party on Super Bowl Sunday, although it was on February 5th since the date of that event has slipped.
Happy Garth sitting at Grandma's long dining room table.
Garth is a gifted pianist and plays only by his ear. He's never had a lesson.
Here Garth is admiring a Bluetooth Dongle that Uncle Dan got him for connecting his PDA to his computer. He uses the PDA to list homework assignments. And oh, by the way, to listen to a little music.
Grandson Connor started playing the saxophone this year and had his first band concert.
Connor had the privilege of introducing one of the pieces. He did an admirable job!
Tucked away almost out of sight, he is playing the second saxophone. This the first year for these 6th graders, and they presented some good and varied entertainment. The school is only a mile and half away -door to door-so that is nice.
Grandson Connor plays basketball on Saturday mornings. Following are some photos from a recent game.
Sister Kyla and Mom Kathy on the sidelines. Dad was across the way, keeping statistics; Grandpa was over there too.
Here he comes, full speed ahead, in possession of the ball!
There! made it! Ball just went through the hoop.