>Home >Family >Non-Grandkids Happenings in 2006

Theresa in Hospital Again - January 3

Pete & Linda, Jason & Jessica Visit - December 31

Joan & Larry & Uncle Vince Visit - December 26

Pop & Marlys Visit in Blue Earth - December 2

Thanksgiving at Kathy & Cam's - November 23

Theresa PET/CT Scan  - November 20

Chris Visit - October 24

Charlotte Visit - October 22

Hank & Paula Visit - October 15

Mark & Rona's Visit - October 1

Pat & Sue Visit - September 22

46th Wedding Anniversary - September 3

Rich's Visit - August 29

Chemo Session #3 - August 21

Shirley's Cap/Jerry & Sandy/Brian & Family Visits - August 12 & 13

Amy  & Beth  Visit - July 21

Grandma Loses Her Hair - July 19

Quilt from Violet - July 18

Brian & Charlotte Visit - July 16

Chemo Session #1 of 2 - July 10

Chuck & Karen Visit - July 9

Roger's Niece Jessica & Jeff's New Baby - July 6

Joe & Linda Visit - July 5

Mark & Rona Visit - July 4

Mike & Juanita & Family Visit - July 2

Grandma Theresa's Sisters Visit - July 1

Sandy & Carolyn Visit - June 30

Dan's New Car - June 24

Father's Day - June 11

Grandma Theresa in Hospital - June 9 to 12

Dave's New Harley Davidson Motorcycle - April 22

Sisters Gathering - March 24

Dan Fixes Fan - February 15

Eight days after the most recent infusion of chemo, Theresa had to go into the hospital because of extremely low 'blood counts' and hydration caused by a leaking gastrostonomy tube and the chemo.

Roger & Theresa & Kathy.

Theresa with Kathy helping her create an e-mail message reply.

Theresa is about to have a CT scan of her tumor at the base of her tongue.

David & Mom.

Roger & Theresa embrace where germ transmittal prevention is paramount.


On a rainy, snowy New Year's Eve day, Theresa's brother, Pete, his wife, Linda, Pete's son, Jason, and his wife, Jessica, stopped by for a short visit on their way to the Vikings game.

Jason, Jessica, Theresa, Pete, Linda, Roger.


The day after Christmas, Theresa's cousin, Joan, her husband, Larry, and Theresa's Uncle Vince came for a nice visit. Kathy had left us lots of 'leftovers' so we also had a nice luncheon.

Uncle Vince, Roger, Theresa, Joan, Larry.


In early December, Theresa felt strong enough for she and Roger to travel 100 miles from home, to visit with Roger's 90 year old dad, Louis (whom the family calls, 'Pop'), and his wife, Marlys. They still live in their own home making their own meals, playing cards, and watching TV and visiting with family. (Several of the "kids" are local; and they all stop in to visit and to help.) On this day, Marlys was recovering for a smaller medical procedure, and preferred to not be in photos. (Diane & Jim hosted us for a quick overnight: Thanks!)

Louis, Jim, & Roger reminiscing.

Louis, I guess temporarily in thought. We talked about the "old days", and all of today's happenings, too.  


Kathy & Cam hosted a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner 2006.

Kathy is seen here, putting place cards in correct spots. Theresa created special, personalized "thankfulness notes" for each person. 

Here we see Cam's place with his place card/note.

Dan ties on a bandana for the family dog, Dakota. Roger is on the left. Although not seen very well, Kathy and Cam are cooking in the kitchen beyond.

Everybody but Roger at the feast. (He took the picture.) Missing this year were Daughter-in-law Dawn, who had a bad cold, and her brother. 

After dinner, Grandson Garth, Roger, Cam's mother Virgie, son David, and son Dan sharing a good story. I guess it took a little longer for some of them to figure out the punch line. :)

After all of the excitement, Dakota was a little pooped out. Earlier he excitedly greeted everyone, true to form.

Dessert! after dinner wore off a little, folks choose from two types of pumpkin pies - each baked by K & C's kids, Connor & Kyla, and also a decadent chocolate bunt cake drenched in chocolate sauce and raspberries. (Did I say "choose from"???)

Anyhow, everyone appreciated the day; and each person offered a moment of thanksgiving for what was important to them this year. It is good to have this family - and our extended larger families - and good friends- in our lives! 


Theresa had her 3rd PET/CT scan after 19 weeks of chemo therapy.

There were also other scans in May and July. Each is a three hour procedure, beginning with radioactive Iodine infusion into a vein; then time for circulation of it; then three scans from, as the technician said, "the eyes to the thighs". It is a combination of two types of pictures which create apparently a better view than one type alone.  The object, of course, is to determine the exact location of the tumor(s). Coming up: "Tumor Conference on Wednesday, November 22nd" attended  by a larger number of doctors and nurses who know my case. They will collectively determine what comes next.


On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon in late October, one of Theresa's nursing school classmates, Chris, came by for a nice visit.

On Sunday, October 22, Theresa's sister, Charlotte, came over for a visit.


Sunday, October 15 was a beautiful day. We went to 10:30 church, attended our grandson's last baseball game of the season at 1:00, and were treated to a visit from Roger's college roommate and his wife, Hank & Paula, at 3:00.


On a Sunday evening, October 1, Theresa's brother, Mark & his wife, Rona, stopped by for a short visit. They were returning from a nice vacation in England.

On Friday, September 22nd, Roger's brother, Pat & Sue, on their way to see the Fall color at Taylor's Falls stopped by for a nice visit.

Left to right: Back: Pat, Sue, Theresa, Roger; Front: Derrick, Nicole, & Dave


On Sunday, September 3rd, we celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary quietly at home. Our son & daughter-in-law, Dan & Dawn, spent the afternoon with us. Dave's visited Friday before heading out of town; Kathy had a cold; thanks for not sharing that!


On Tuesday, August 29, Theresa's brother, Rich, one of the 'old' twins, was in the area on business and stopped by for a visit.

Rich, Theresa, Roger. We had a good visit!

I always say that I became a mother when Ron and Rich were born; that is when Mother taught me how to change diapers, bake cakes, etc. (Now Rich and Karen have their own 4 kids and many grandkids.)


On Monday, August 21, after hearing from her Oncologist that her tumor had shrunk, Theresa received her 3rd chemo treatment.

Friendly and pleasant Nurse Melissa finding the proper vein for infusion, which will include a combo of at least 5 medicines (two are actual chemo.)

Here she is setting up the apparatus.

Melissa kindly agreed to take our picture: my loving Roger and Kathy taking yet another day to be with me. Infusion has begun; they stayed a little longer until I got sleepy, then they went out for lunch.

Caught: slumber, blessed slumber.

It was a long day. Early appointments and labs, then this. We were gone from 9 AM to 6 PM. The boys were at our home with take out food when we got home and we forgot pictures.


From time to time we get visitors and somehow we forget the camera.  Apologies. But we show what we did catch.

Over the weekend of August 12 & 13, Jerry & Sandy, and later, Brian & Dawn & Jacob came to visit.

First, Theresa is pictured with one of the chemo head covers generously hand made by sister-in-law Shirley (Pat's wife).

Brother Jerry and wife Sandy came on Saturday.   

Later on Sunday, almost "every body" and brother Brian with his family. (David was here from Brian's previous visit.)


On Friday, July 21, Amy (Roger's brother, Jim's daughter) came to visit . Later her sister Beth came. Why, oh why, did we forget to take another picture when Bethie, along with our son David and his children came, along with daughter, Kathy. I am so sad that we did not get a second picture.

Pretty as a picture, school teacher Amy and Theresa. Very sorry that later her sister Beth came, and where was that darn camera??


One of the consequences of chemo therapy is losing one's hair. Today, Theresa experienced that phenomenon. This was is July 19.

Kathy in the mirror (taking the picture), shaving has begun.

Almost finished. ("you have a nice shaped head", she said. I asked Kathy if i look like my dad. (no). The lady said, "You cannot imagine how many women say, "oh my gosh, I look like my dad".

The deed is done. Wasn't too bad... Just a little tear to dry.

Back home in familiar surroundings, Kathy takes another shot. 

My first chemo bonnet. I bought a few different colors, and a little wiglet to wear with it, or not. I tried on many big wigs, but they  are so heavy, hot, and expensive; I might reconsider  - or might not. My dear friend Sandy has lent hers but whether I use it, not sure. So, stay tuned to this space to see other styles -with or without wigs. The eyebrows, everything, will be gone in a few days. This way, tho, I do not have to go through the mess of clumps of hair all over for two days as it comes off "naturally", which will surely happen 10-14 days after first chemo infusion (today was 10th day). LIFE IS GOOD! Hair is only hair.


On Tuesday, July 18, Theresa was surprised with a package in the mail from a high school classmate, Violet.

Violet also went to nurses school, married her high school sweetheart, had kids and grandkids, but she knows how to make a great quilt! And then there is our mutual hobby: barbershopping !



On Sunday, July 16, Theresa's youngest brother, Brian, from Washington D C, and her sister, Charlotte, came to visit.

Testing the camera before company came,  we did a self portrait.

A light moment with baby brother Brian. Here we are,oldest and youngest: 23 years apart in age. 

Also visiting Brian at our house, here we show David, Kathy's kids Kyla and Connor and Roger; then back row: Kathy, Charlotte, Theresa, and Brian.  


On Monday, July 10, Theresa started chemo treatments at the University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Facility Infusion Center using Taxol & Carboplatin. She will have a 2nd treatment in 3 weeks. Then in 6 weeks, she'll have a new PET/CT scan to establish the results on the tumors. It took several hours. Kathy and Roger went for moral support... and driving the "sleepy time gal".

Holding hands, IV already in, feeling hopeful. Roger & Theresa


Theresa's brother, Chuck, and his wife, Karen visited on Sunday, July 9

Karen, Theresa, & Chuck


Roger's niece, Jessica, and her husband, Jeff, have a new baby girl, Vivian.

Little Vivian Lee Lu and her mommy greeting Roger on their front porch. 

Inside, Uncle Roger gets his chance to hold her! Mommy urging a smile for camera.

Theresa and little Vivian, cute as a button and very lucky to have these ready, willing, able and enthusiastic parents.


Theresa's brother, Joe, and wife, Linda, visited on July 5th. And we took the occasion to shoot some other pictures.

Linda, Theresa, Joe, who was only 8 years old when big sis got married.

Daughter Kathy came to visit when Joe's were here.

Grand Kids: Kyla and Connor

Roger & Theresa remembering many good times.


Theresa's brother, Mark, and wife, Rona, visited on July 4th.

Brother Mark, Theresa, & Rona - the best thing that ever happened to him!


Theresa's brother, Mike, along with his wife, a couple of their kids, and a grandchild visited on Sunday, July 2.

After conversing in the living room, it was time for Theresa's medicine, so we went to the family room, where she is more comfortable with tube feeding. In chair, back to camera, Tamra, her son Adam, Juanita at table, Theresa, Mike,, Sheila.

Now we get a look at Jay, and a bit of Tamra, along with the others. Nice, quiet visit, always welcome from those you love.  


Theresa's sisters drove down from northern Minnesota to visit on Saturday, July 1.

Ginger, Gina, Rhonda, Theresa, Charlotte, & Franni.


Theresa's friends, Sandy & Carolyn, visited on June 30

Three chicks from the old days, all nurses together, now "Rusty Nurses". Left to right: Carolyn, Theresa, Sandy.


Dan has never owned a new car. He finally went out and bought one. Nice!

Here, Dan and wife Dawn pose beside the one deemed best to tow the camper trailer into the mountains.  

Checking out details inside.


On Father's Day, Kathy put together a shadow box of our family portrait.

Picture message: "Roger & Theresa surrounded by family."


Grandma Theresa has another tumor in her throat and can't swallow. So she had to have a g-tube for feeding installed. She was in the hospital for several days.

Here her sister & husband, Charlotte and Frank visit her.


Dave has always been interested in motorcycles; every since his legs were too short to reach the ground on his first 6 cc Yamaha. Below are pictures of his beautiful new cycle.

With his dad (his first teacher over 30 years ago on driving, safety, mechanical & repairing ), he shows us his black Harley. (Had to be black!) He found a dealer who was willing to deal, and a friend to donate the leathers. Great friend! 

All decked out in the leathers, ready for his first ride down to scenic "rivertown" to see Uncle Tom on a beautiful spring Sunday afternoon.   

After a Lyon's club pancake breakfast in the belly, ready to hit the road. You only live once, and this is his big dream. Note the helmet, evidence of safety, so he can be a good dad. 


All of Theresa's female siblings gather a couple of times per year. This time, they met at our home. We chatted from early morning to early evening, and still had more "in us".  

Back row: Gina, Rita, Theresa, Charlotte. Front row: Ginger, Rhonda, Frani. Twenty one years between youngest and oldest of the girls. (Connie "was there", too:-). 

Soup and potluck for lunch: at the table, before dessert. Left to right: niece Mary Sczepanski, her little daughter Emilia ("Emmy") - did not want the camera :), Charlotte. Our daughter Kathy, Rita, Frani, Gina, Rhonda, Ginger, daughter-in-law Dawn, Theresa. 

Another shot, this one taken by daughter-in-law, Dawn.


Our oldest son, Dan, fixed our living room ceiling fan when it quit working.

We have a 14' ceiling so he had to use a 10' ladder. Roger looks on.

Grandma got this picture from the upstairs den.

Another one from the den. He's starting to reassemble the parts. Thanks, Dan.
