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As recent retirees, our interests are family and relatives, and barbershop singing, and traveling.

Recent events in our lives include a wonderful weekend with relatives in Southern Minnesota. Saturday, July 14, the Meyer clan gathered at our only sister's for a picnic celebrating our Father's 85 birthday. Then Sunday, July 15, Theresa's Aunt Jean hosted a picnic for the Bleess and Mongeau families. Both events were most enjoyable

In early July, we flew to Nashville where the barbershop singers held their annual International Convention. At the convention, Roger's chorus, the Great Northern Union, sang for over 10,000 people in the Gaylord Entertainment Center. They were ranked 6th among the 22 competing choruses. We visited other Nashville highlights. We went to the Opryland Hotel with 3000 rooms spread out over what seemed a much larger place than the Mall of America. We also visited the Grand Old Opry Hall of Fame Museum. However, since we're not fans of Country music, we didn't appreciate it as much as some of the other visitors we observed.

We have a busy Fall planned. At the end of July, Roger will be spending 5 days in St. Joseph, Missouri, attending the barbershop singing judge certification school. Right after Labor Day, we're leaving with 3 of Theresa's brothers and their wives to go to Europe. We'll be gone nearly 2 weeks visiting London, Paris, and Strasbourg. Theresa has relatives who we've met from Strasbourg. Then October 12 - 14, we've been invited to judge a barbershop singing contest in Bakersfield, California. We may stay a few extra days and visit friends and relatives in the Bay Area. And don't forget that we're traveling to St. Petersburg, Russia, with the Great Northern Union next August (2002).

We'll post pictures of our travels on these web pages. So check back periodically to see what's new.

And the above occurred last year, 2001. This new year, 2002, has been even more busy. Some of this year's highlights include: 
