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Grandkids Visit Zoo

After school got out, grandma and grandpa and all the grandkids, together with Kathy's help, visited the Minnesota Zoo.            

Grandpa Roger, Hannah and Connor watching through aquarium expectantly for a shark... or something.

More aquarium adventures left to right: Garth, Connor, Kyla,  Hannah, Kathy

Garth, popping up in a transparent tube in order to commune with the prairie dogs. 

Garth took this picture of Grandma and Grandpa through that tube and also through thick window glass...  hense, the cloudy photo.  

Hannah found a prairie dog... or did he find her?  

Out at the butterfly exhibit, we saw hundreds (thousands?) of various butterflies among a beautiful "screen- house" garden. They import chrysalises for $4.00 each... and they live only a short time in summer;  except for the migratory season when somehow nature allows many months of life.  left to right: Grandpa, Garth, Kyla, Connor, Kathy, Hannah, and the guide.  

Getting up close and personal with a little creature. 

Flower close-ups, with a butterfly somewhere... is it that white thing near the top??

An overview: Hannah, Kathy, Kyla, Connor, Garth. It was full of beautiful  flowers, quietude, sunshine, and those lovely butterflies. (Of which Hannah dreamed about when she was little!) 

More investigations and observations. 

Mugging it up for the camera: Kyla, Garth, Connor, Hannah.

The petting zoo: Garth, Kyla and Connor. (I guess Hannah was with the rabbits?)  

Chickens! Garth's favorite! 

Time for lunch at the Zoo farm, on the porch of a typical farm house. 

Kyla and Mama Kathy, and Grandpa again. 

Inside what looked like a grain elevator on the outside was this climbing tower just almost calling Kyla and Hannah to check it out. The boys were right behind...or ahead.  
