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Todd & Megan's Wedding

On yet another colorful, Fall day, October 6, 2001, we attended the wedding of Todd & Megan Bleess along with many other relatives. Todd is the son of Mike & Juanita Bleess. Mike is Theresa's brother.

This is my dear brother  Chuck, looking at photos of our Europe trip (we did not tell him to look up) seated next to his wife Karen; and the lovely mother of of the groom, Juanita.       

Here they are exchanging rings. The bride's dress was a lovely brocade with a little bit of gold "sparkle". Her lovely auburn cascading hair made her look like the Irish coleen she is. 

Another shot of the bride & groom. 

Did you ever see a more original and beautiful autumn wedding cake?

Roger was impressed with their special toasting chalices, each a half of a whole.
