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Theresa's Nursing History

In 2010, Theresa's roommate from St. Mary's School of Nursing, LaVonne Eckstrom, ask me to write a history of Theresa's nursing career as best as I could remember it. Below is my response.


On September 3, 1960, Theresa was married to Roger Meyer, 2 weeks after her graduation from St. Mary's School of Nursing in Rochester, Minnesota. After honeymooning in Duluth, Theresa went to work at Charles T. Miller Hospital in St. Paul while I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at St. Thomas. 


My graduation in June of 1961 was a very busy time as Theresa was 9 months pregnant. And yes, you guessed it, our first son, Dan, was born the day after my graduation. The next week I went to work at Control Data in Minneapolis. Theresa worked evenings at St. Joseph's Hospital in St. Paul while I took care of baby Dan. 


By September, Control Data moved its computer programming (my occupation) operation to Palo Alto, California. Of course, Theresa & I then moved to California where our 2nd child, Kathy, was born. Eleven months later our 3rd child, David, was born while we were temporarily working in Lansing, Michigan, at Michigan State University. During this time, Theresa was a stay-at-home Mom.


Over the years, Theresa did not practice nursing except for taking care of our family and our relatives. Recall that she was the oldest of 20 children (& I'm the oldest of 10), so someone frequently called her for medical advice which she freely offered.


We ended up in San Diego in the late 70s at which time Theresa decided to go back to nursing. She took a refresher course and passed the California nursing exam. She worked for several years at Sharp Hospital in San Diego ’til we were transferred back to Minneapolis in 1979. 


After settling in Eden Prairie, a Minneapolis suburb, Theresa decided not to return to hospital nursing, but to try her hand at electronic medical products support. In 1982 she was published in the National Nursing Journal with an article she wrote about TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. She continued in that field until cancer forced her into disability in 1999.


She passed away on March 29, 2007 after 46 wonderful years of marriage.


May she rest in peace.


Her loving husband,


Roger Meyer