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Thanksgiving 2002
Our family was all together for Thanksgiving. Daughter, Kathy, and husband, Cam, hosted a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings, and I mean all the trimmings.
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Kathy standing in her dining room with beautiful place settings.
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Kath and Cam are putting it together.
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Here's the tribe feasting. Left to right: Roger, Glenn (Dawn's brother), Dan, Dave, Cam (Kathy's husband), Kathy, Sarah (Dave's wife), Dawn (Dan's wife), and Elinor (Dawn's mother). Not pictured: Theresa (she's taking the picture).
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Here's the 4 grandchildren. Did you miss Kyla behind the front chair? And Garth has a home made paper turkey where his face should be. Left to right: Hannah, Connor, Kyla, Garth.
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Here's a group of kids and adults playing a table game, relaxing after a wonderful dinner. Left to right: Daughter-in-law Sarah, Hannah, Cam, Connor, Kathy, Kyla.