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Rona's Departure

On Sunday, March 3, 2003, Rona, the wife of Theresa's brother Mark, and a Major in the Army Reserve was called to active duty. Mark, Theresa, Roger, & David took her to Fort Snelling where she departed. Following are a sample of the 5 dozen plus photos which we took. 

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Let to right; Mark, Rona; our son David, Roger, having coffee and doughnuts between informational and organizational meetings.

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Mark, Rona, Theresa

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Lovey-Dovey Mark & Rona

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Closest to camera Dave carrying one of her duffels; Roger in the teal/blue jacket; Mark & Rona ahead of him barely visible. The trucks were being loaded with first aid supplies.


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Rona & Mark outside in below zero March 2 weather, noon, waiting for a delayed departure. 

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Tearful goodbye. M & R in center of picture.

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Theresa, Rona, Mark

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False alarm, (not time to go yet); back into the "garage" to get warm.
First aid equipment in foreground; Dave, Mark (almost hidden), Rona, Roger

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Still inside, Roger, Dave, Mark, Rona

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Another call to go: more hugs. Note emblem on wall above: "Serving Proudly".

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Loading gear on to truck: Rona on left; Mark helping for last time

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One last kiss (Mark's back to camera, Rona hidden).

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Rona in her transport van. Final goodbye before she is spirited to airport. Off to unknown destination, with lunch on her lap, a "heater meal", this time chicken casserole... the new "MRE", (meals ready to eat).  We sent her off with love and best wishes, and pride that she is doing good deeds for many people. What a prize Mark has in her! She is just the greatest.

We will miss you, Rona, and will celebrate when you come home!