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Great Grandpa Louie Turns 90 - Let's Party

On July 4th, 1916, exactly 90 years ago, Louis Edmund Meyer was born. So on Sunday, July 8, 2006, his descendants and friends gathered to help him celebrate his 90th birthday.

Brother Pat and his friend Susan, among the red white and blue decor.

Roger in the shade in foreground; some of the 100 or so guests.

Roger and his siblings; their Dad with celebratory boutinerre. left to right: Mike, Jim, Roger, Gary, Joe, Pat, Tom

Margaret in front with Pop.

Theresa & Roger with the newest "Meyer": Margaret's first grandchild. The little guy resembles his dad very much.

Our daughter Kathy, husband and son with more of the crowd enjoying a fine picnic meal.

Pop and Marlys with the celebratory cake. A much larger one was almost gone already! 

Grandpa Ron with baby and Father.

Maggie with baby grandson.
