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Nebraska and Iowa

This Spring we traveled to Omaha and Lincoln, and also Carroll,  Iowa. 

First we stopped for an overnight at brother Pat and Shirley's house; then on to Lincoln. But we stopped half way to take in the Air Museum; then on to a barbershop singing society judging assignment at Central States District. While there we also visited old friends, but unfortunately we forgot to take photos of the Johnson's at Lincoln.   

Here is a super zoom photo of the secondary Presidential Airplane ("Air Force Two" ?) at Offut Air Force Base, as seen from Pat & Shirley's  home. Amazing, right?! I guess it was maybe two miles away, as the crow goes.  

Left to right: After a delicious dinner cooked by Shirley, here we see Brother Pat, their neighbor, a spunky and very friendly young woman with Connie's disease... what a spirited and optimistic person! Then Pat's son Dean, Shirley, Roger, and Theresa. A fun evening!  The room was sunny and lovely, decorated in sunflowers everywhere.  

Theresa at the Air Force Museum. It is a very well done and new opportunity to get to appreciate our country's air military history. If you have a couple of hours do not miss it. This is a stealth bomber. 

Another view of the museum. This room alone was huge and it only shows part of it.  

Roger's associates from around the country who gathered to judge the  local barbershop contest at Lincoln. This is a rare moment of relaxation before the contest. They work very hard before, during and after contests. It is all volunteer and they must commit to 3 years of training at their own expense before acceptance; then must re-certify every three years. This is quite a science. As you see, it attracts all ages: the youngest is 26, and I suppose the oldest in this photo is nearing 70.   

Then we went on to Carroll, Iowa, to visit with our good friend Marilyn Setzler, a transplanted Minneapolis area barbershop widow who decided to move back to her home town. We hit a spring blizzard, and this is Roger shoveling a path! 

Here we see a radiant Marilyn snug as a bug, inside her lovely new townhouse kitchen,  as we enjoyed a warm cup of coffee with remembering  good times past in Minneapolis and Carroll. She is contracted for a series of local interest books, and the first one of county history is already published.  
