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Goin' Home

We finally had to quit... and head for home.

The sign at the Ferry terminal where we got tickets to cross Lake Michigan on a 4 hour ride.

This is the Steamboat which ferried us and our cars to Wisconsin. Four hours, $150.00

Here you see the car bay and the docking procedure.

This is our car being driven on. They do it so they can park about 3 inches close to one another. Literally.  Questions: You see how it went on. Why/how did they turn it around and drive it off head first???? Ours was first on and first off...

Roger on deck. The ship is 2 blocks long.


Several Semis and motorcycles went along. They all got to bring on their own vehicles... with supervision.

This is 4 hours later as we docked. The vehicle is on the boat; the rest is dock.

And here we are back to our own Minnesota grown cathedral in St. Paul.  
