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Miscellaneous 2004 Pictures

Below are a variety of pictures you might find interesting. The events include: Connor's piano recital, Garth's birthday, Roger & Theresa celebrating Valentine's Day, Hannah & Kyla's birthday party, Easter Sunday family dinner, and Tom's birthday party at Jessica's

Connor at the grand piano playing very well.

Garth's 12th Birthday on January 25, 2004

Roger & Theresa on Valentine's Day: February 14, 2004

Hannah & Kyla's birthday party on April 3, 2004

Easter Sunday Dinner: April 11, 2004

Roger's brother Tom's birthday Party on April 11, 2004 at Tom's daughter Jessica's. Left to right: Jessica's husband - Jeff, Tom, Jessica, Jeff's friend, Dawn, Roger.

Dave, Jeff, Jeff's friend.
