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Chelsea's Graduation Party
Memorial Day weekend, 2006, was the big family celebration of Theresa's family of origin, up near Long Prairie. As usual, we had multiple events. This year, a graduation party, baby shower, and wedding party. Thanks to son Dave for lots of the pictures. (Hoping also for three or four more from others.)
Inside the vast pole barn which provided welcome breezes with deep shade, on a unseasonably hot day, we see part of the crowd.
Sixteen of the eighteen living siblings made it on Saturday (one more came the next day).
Front row, Frani, Theresa, Charlotte, Gina, Rita.
Second row: Ronnie, Rich, Chuck, Mark, Ginger, Rhonda, Pat.
Third row: Pete, Mike, Jerry, Lyn.
Just outside the shelter for a new mamma and baby horse at the farm of Rhonda and Roland ("Otto"), a group us chatter.
Son Dan, Theresa, Daughter-in-law Dawn, Jerry, his grandson, his wife Sandy, and their daughter-in-law.
Grand daughter Hannah always finds the baby animals: this time, a little kitty at Rhonda's farm.
Karaoke time: Pete (who almost make a second profession out of it!), Chuck, and Mike.
Lyn (who was number 17, and only 10 days old when Theresa went off to nurses school), Mike, and Rich. We talked about Mike (number 5) and how cute he was as a little boy, with blond curly hair. Rich is one of the first set of twins, born when Theresa was 7 & 1/2 years old. The twins were number 7 & 8.
Here are the beautiful graduates: Rhonda & Otto's daughter Chelsie, who will be a portrait photographer, and her "sister" for the year, from northern Russia. She is a very lovely young lady with both a nickname and actual name, hard for us unfamiliar Americans to pronounce. She saw a bit of Washington, I believe, as well San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Tahoe. She will go home in about one month, but might visit again in a couple of years. These students from other lands put us to shame with their multi- lingual abilities.