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Jessica's Shower

On a beautiful Summer day, June 2005, the Bleess clan (those available) gathered to welcome Jessica. Jessica & Adam, (who is the son of Theresa's brother, Jerry) will be married in July. It was also Father's day. The clan gathered for a pot luck picnic at Theresa's brother, Joe & Linda's home; then went to brother Jerry & Sandy's brand new home out in the country. 


The clan is relaxing after a wonderful pot luck luncheon.

Here's the lucky couple at the far end of the table - Jessica & Adam.

Brother Ron, son Dave, his daughter Hannah, Ron's wife Allette, their son-in-law Noel. 

Daughters of twins Ron & Rich: Sarah and Amber. Sarah is the mommy of a nearly 2 year old little girl;  Amber is expecting her first soon. Also seen is Connie, wife of Joe's eldest Aron; and other new bride of the year, Stacey (Pete's daughter.) 


Watching bride-to-be Jessica open her gifts in the living room of Sandy's new home.   

Some of the hostesses preparing the dessert buffet. Pyrex measuring cups were artfully arranged with roses for centerpieces, and adorned with two photos of the bride & groom

More of the crowd of cousins, nieces, aunties. 

Here, most of the Fathers gathered for a "formal" dad's portrait. Back row: Ron, Roger, Rich's son-in-law Jacob, Frani's husband Dan, Jerry. Front row, Rich's son "BJ" with his two little sons, Rich, Noel, and Joe.

They were behind the brand new garage, in the breeze and the shade,  gazing at Jerry's 40 grassy acres with hundreds of newly planted  trees. 
