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Jeff & Kayla's Wedding & Reception
On a lovely summer day on September 1st, Jeff & Kayla exchanged wedding vows at a beautiful church in St. Cloud with a reception at a very nice supper club nearby. Jeff is the son of Theresa's sister, Frani. David took these nice pictures. Actually, he took 145 pictures from which I selected these.
Here's many of the Bleess relatives gathering before the ceremony.
Flower girl, Kayla, & ring bearer, Tanner.
This is the bride, Kayla, with her father, Lyle, and personal attendant, Michelle.
Bethelem Lutheran Church with the altar and wedding party on the right.
This is the very large wedding party with 16 attendants.
Frani and her husband, Dan, with flower girl.
Bride and groom with their cute son at the reception.
Reception tables. Scepanski's are at the back table. Bleess boys with their wives and Roger at the front table
Several Bleess girls/wives. Linda, Juanita, Frani, Sandy, Karen, Tammy, Rhonda.
The bride & groom enter the dance floor for the first dance of the evening.
Kayla & Jeff on the dance floor.