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Roger & Theresa Family History


This family history continues the saga of the Meyer Family History. The reader is encouraged to also view those pages. Also not that this history is incomplete and is in active composition.

Roger & Theresa (Bleess) Meyer

Theresa & I dated in high school for a couple years, but stopped in our last year. After high school, Theresa went off to St. Mary's School of Nursing in Rochester and I went to the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul. During the Christmas vacation of our 3rd year, Theresa saw Gary in town, asked about me, and the rest is history. We dated during the remainder of our third year and were married in September 1960.

Theresa had just graduated since her program was only 3 years. I still had a year left. But we got married at the Catholic church in Blue Earth and established our first home near downtown St. Paul just below the Cathedral. During that year, Theresa worked at Miller Hospital which was walking distance from our apartment and I rode a bus over to St. Thomas. I graduated in June, the day before our first son was born.

Daniel Roger was born on June 3, 1961. Some of our many guests who attended the graduation, stayed over and visited us the next day in the hospital with our brand new son.

By that time, I had lined up a job as a programmer at Control Data in Minneapolis. I started work immediately since we were severely strapped for funds. After working for just 3 months, Control Data decided to move programming to California, in Palo Alto, south of San Francisco on the peninsula. Of course, we quickly accepted and in September began our corporate meandering.

The photo below was taken on the occasion of our 40th wedding anniversary. Pictured with us are our children and grandchildren. Left top to bottom: Sarah, son: David, Hannah, Garth. Center back: Dan & Dawn. Right top to bottom: daughter Kathy, Cam, Kyla, & Connor. Center: us: Theresa & Roger Meyer.

(September 2000)

