>Home >Barbershop Singing >GNU @ Montreal Int'l Convention
Great Northern Union at the Montreal International Convention
Following are a few moments from another memorable International SBEBSQSA Barbershop Singing contest, the 2003 version in Montreal. Roger first joined the organization in the 60's; and has competed Internationally since 1977. Our trip photos are chronicled elsewhere in the family web site. Part of what made this one special was that cousin and Sweet Adeline, Joan, and her husband Larry, met us there. Below are just few photos of the contest experience itself.
In the hotel room just before the big performance: is this a dapper Dan or what?? Actually "dapper Roger", just finished dressing, now in uniform, and ready to go on stage!
Theresa with 3 of her 70-some boyfriends in the chorus Scott, another Roger, and Dan.
The last dress rehearsal before hitting the stage. What excitement! Roger is in the green, 1 down from top on your left.
On stage! This is in an auditorium of 12,000. So this is on super zoom... so it is a bit fuzzy; taken from the back, and up a few dozen rows. But it shows a little bit of the "song and dance" of the New Orleans Jazz song. Roger is on the top row, second from left. It is always a "high" to be a part of all this.