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Theresa at Walker Methodist Health Center - January 11 to March 15

Week 1: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Jan. 11 - 17)

Week 2: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Jan. 18 - 24

Week 3: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Jan. 25 - 31)

Week 4: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Feb. 1 - 7)

Week 5: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Feb. 8 - 14)

Week 6: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Feb. 15 - 21)

Week 7: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Feb. 22 - 28)

Week 8: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Mar 1 - 8)

Week 9: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Mar 9 - 15)

Week 10: Theresa Returns to Hospital (Mar 15)

On Thursday, January 11th, Theresa was released from the University of Minnesota Hospital and we moved to the Walker Methodist Health Center in central Minneapolis (37th & Bryant) for rehab and building her strength. The first couple days were fairly quiet. Then, on Saturday, January 13th, Theresa's sisters all came to visit her.

Kathy telling the sisters a story. (Saturday the 13th)

Gina, Rita, Rhonda, Ginger, Frannie. Charlotte visited the day before. (Saturday the 13th)

Kathy & Theresa reading cards sent by Kathy's hobby group. (Saturday the 13th)

On Sunday, Kathy brought her family to visit Grandma. (Sunday the 14th)

Kyla painted a nice work of art for Grandma. (Sunday the 14th)

And Kathy put up lots of cards that Grandma received. (Sunday the 14th)

Monday (the 15th) was  spent getting over to the University where Theresa exchanged her G-J tube for G-button so that she can get off continuous feeding and back to periodic gravity bag feedings like we've always done at home. So, no pictures for Monday.

Theresa walked up and down 16 steps, 2 more than we have at home. (Tuesday the 16th)

Theresa recognized a Physical Therapist at Walker Methodist as an employee she worked with 20 years ago. (Tuesday the 16th)

T weighs in. (Tuesday the 16th)

Today, Theresa's long time friends that all worked together for many years visited. Carolyn & Sandy & Theresa. Note that she has not tubes today - that's a first in many days. (Wednesday the 17th)

Today, Dave helped us travel to the University where Theresa had a CT Scan. (Friday) Currently, she is scheduled to meet with her Oncologist on Monday. (Friday the 19th)

Theresa doing exercises with the Occupational Therapist. (Saturday the 20th)

On Saturday, Theresa's little brother, Joe, one of the 'little' twins stopped by along with his wife, Linda, their son, Austin, and Austin's recently wedded wife, Beth. Austin & Beth have just settled in Fridley. (Saturday the 20th)

Monday (the 22nd), we met with Theresa's Oncologist where we learned that chemo wasn't working and that the tumor was continuing to grow. So, no more chemo.

Kathy's mother-in-law, Virgie, stopped by for a visit Monday (the 22nd) afternoon.

Theresa & Roger attended a concert in the on site chapel. (Monday the 22nd)

Dan spends Monday (the 22nd) evenings with Mom.

Tuesday (the 23rd), Theresa decided to not go home at this time. So, she continues at Walker Methodist.

Hannah & Garth visited on Tuesday (the 23rd) evening.

Father Monaghan from nearby Annunciation Catholic Church came by and gave Theresa the Anointing of the Sick. (Thursday the 25th)

Later that afternoon, Theresa's brother, Ronnie, & his wife Allette, came for a nice visit. (Thursday the 25th)

Thursday (the 25th) evenings Dan & Dawn sit with Mom while Dad goes to chorus rehearsal which Mom insists he attend.

Theresa's sister, Charlotte, and her husband, Frank, stopped by Friday (the 26th) morning for a short visit.

Kathy and her 2 kids, Connor & Kyla, sat with Grandma Friday morning. Here they are out for a walk. All toll, Theresa walked 7 times on Friday (the 26th).

Theresa's brother, Mark, & his wife, Rona, drove down from Long Prairie to visit. (Saturday the 27th)

The Nebulizer treatments helps Theresa to breathe - she said she was smiling. (Sunday the 28th)

Our Care Conference today provided little but recognized that we were meeting with Theresa's surgeon, Dr. Ondrey, tomorrow and more direction could be set after that.

And today, John & Marguerite stopped in for a visit, but Theresa didn't feel well enough to have a picture taken. (Monday the 29th)

Our barbershop singing friends, Jim & Ebie, came by for a nice visit. (Wednesday the 31st)

Theresa's physical therapist, Cindy, came for a visit. (Wednesday the 31st)

Theresa, holding flowers received today. (Wednesday the 31st)

Theresa's second cousin, Ann Marie (Mongeau) Anderson, came for a nice visit. (Thursday the 1st)

Dave, Ann Marie, & Kathy visiting with Theresa. (Thursday the 1st)

Flowers received at Walker Methodist in the last few days. (Thursday the 1st)

Friday evening Roger & Lauralee Stanfield visited Theresa. But I had left for home when they arrived, so I missed them and didn't get a picture. (Friday the 2nd)

Saturday afternoon, Theresa's brother, Rich, and his wife, Karen, visited from Fergus Falls. Rich is one of the older twins in her family. (Saturday the 3rd)

Theresa's younger brother, Jerry, also visited on Saturday. (the 3rd)

And Kyla came with Kathy on Saturday (the 3rd) afternoon.

Sunday (the 4th), Theresa's sister, Charlotte, & her husband, Frank came for a nice visit.

Later Sunday (the 4th), Theresa's sister, Frannie, and her husband, Dan, visited.

Due to my incompetence, I missed taking a picture of the visit by Kim & Rae Ann. Kim is Roger's step brother. (Sunday the 4th)

Today, barbershop singing friends, John & Marguerite, stopped by for a short visit. (Monday the 5th)

Tuesday (the 6th) evening, more barbershop singing friends, Don & Mary, visited Theresa after I had gone home for the evening. But we didn't get any pictures.

Then Wednesday (the 7th) noontime, Theresa's friends, Sandy & Carolyn, stopped by for a short visit. And again we didn't get any pictures

Today (Friday the 9th), Theresa received a beautiful arrangement of flowers from her cousin in Chicago, Joan & Larry.

Theresa had lots of company on Saturday (the 10th). First, Roger's sister, Margaret, and her husband, Ron, brought a beautiful pot of Azaleas. Then Theresa's youngest sister, Ginger, and her husband, Stan, drove down from Browerville. And then Roger's youngest brother, Joe, and his wife, Muriel, drove up from Blue Earth.

Ron, Margaret, & Theresa. (Saturday the 10th)

Stan, Ginger, & Theresa. (Saturday the 10th)

Muriel, Joe, & Theresa. (Saturday the 10th)

Today, Sunday (the 11th), Theresa's brother, Chuck, and his wife, Karen, came all the way from Winona for a nice visit.

Gary, a Music Therapist from Walker, stopped by to sing a few songs and offer a prayer. (Tuesday the 13th)

Theresa's niece, Sarah, stopped by for a visit today. (Tuesday then 13th)

Ann, a chaplain at Walker, came by for visit and a prayer. (Wednesday the 14th)

Roger & Theresa share the moment on Valentines Day. (Wednesday 14th)

Friday (the 16th) afternoon, one of Roger's nephews, Mark, and his girlfriend, April, came up to the cities from Blue Earth to celebrate their 2 year anniversary going together, and to visit Theresa.

Later Friday (the 16th), Theresa's sister, Charlotte, came by for a nice visit.

And Kathy & Theresa - daughter & mother (both). (Friday the 15th)

On Saturday (the 17th), Roger's brother, Gary, and his wife, Carrie, drove up from Blue Earth for a visit.

Monday (the 19th) was a no-school day. So, granddaughter, Kyla, created & delivered these beautiful posters for Grandma's wall.

Theresa's sister, Charlotte. (Monday the 19th)

Kyla, Kathy, Connor, Theresa. (Monday the 19th)

Theresa and son, Dan. (Monday the 19th)

Roger & Theresa returning from a little exercise walk. (Monday the 19th)

And we finally got a nice picture of an artistic painting that Grandma's grandson, Connor, painted & delivered.

Late Wednesday (the 21st) afternoon, Theresa's Physical Therapist from when she had her knee replaced 2 years ago, came by again and gave her a massage.

Thursday (the 22nd) afternoon, Virgie came by for a short visit and brought some lovely Fuji Mums. We forgot to get a picture of Virgie, so we took Theresa by the Mums. Virgie is Kathy's mother-in-law.

Today (Saturday the 24th), we had very nice visits from Theresa's youngest brother, Brian, who came all the way from Baltimore, and her nephew, Adam, who is just home from a year in Iraq where he served as a pilot in the Army.

Sunday (the 25th), Theresa's youngest brother, Brian, visited again, before returning to Baltimore late Sunday.

Monday (the 26th), Kathy's mother-in-law, Virgie, & Kathy's husband, Cam, stopped by for a nice visit.

Later on Monday (the 26th), David, Garth & Hannah, stopped in and Garth serenaded Grandma with his Mandolin. We think Garth is the only student in the Twin Cities that plays the Mandolin in the school band.

Garth, Dave, Hannah, Grandma. (Monday the 26th)

Tuesday (the 27th), Charlotte came by for a nice visit.

Gary, a Walker Methodist Music Therapist, sang a couple songs, offered a short prayer, and let Theresa hold his guitar. (Tuesday the 27th)

Ann, a Walker Methodist Chaplain, stopped by to see how Theresa was doing and to lead us in a short prayer. (Wednesday the 28th)

Two of Theresa's closest co-workers, Carolyn & Sandy, came by for a nice visit. Here they are describing something. I couldn't get a word in edgewise. But they had a good time and Theresa enjoyed it. (Wednesday the 28th)

Friday (the 2nd), was a snow day with areas schools closed and many businesses closed. Neither Kathy nor Dad could get to Walker that day. Dan made it late afternoon. This is the view out Theresa's window.

Saturday (the 3rd), Theresa's brother, Mark, stopped by for a nice visit.

Before Mark had left, Theresa's nephew, Adam, and his wife, Jessica, stopped in for a short visit. (Saturday the 3rd)

Today (Sunday the 4th) Theresa's sister, Charlotte, and her husband, Frank, stopped in for a nice visit.

Later, David, Garth, & Hannah visited. (Sunday the 4th)

Today (Sunday the 4th), Theresa hit a triple. Her sister, Frani, came down from St. Cloud for a visit.

Tuesday (the 6th), Theresa's cousin, Jim, and his wife, Kathy, came for a short visit.

Then Tuesday (the 6th) late afternoon, Theresa came down with the stomach flu that swept the hospital, vomiting several times over the next 24 hours.

Sunday (the 11th), Theresa had several visitors. First, her sister, Charlotte, came by. Then her 2nd cousin, Don, from Sacramento came for a nice visit. Later, one of her many nieces, Beth, and her husband, Brad, stopped in.

Then on Monday (the 12th), Theresa's cousin, Maurice, and his wife, Mary, stopped in for a short visit.

And Roger lost the pictures of all the visitors from Sunday & Monday. Bummer!

Tuesday (the 13th), was a beautiful day with the temp reaching almost 60. Here Roger & Theresa are on the 2nd floor patio getting some fresh air.

Theresa is standing on the 2nd floor patio in front of the Walker-Methodist greenhouse.

Theresa's sister, Charlotte, came by for her weekly visit. Theresa & Charlotte are just a year apart. (Wednesday the 14th)

Members of Roger's chorus, Judd & Angie, stopped in to say hello. (Wednesday the 14th)
