>Home >Vacation >Disney World & Disney Cruise > Magic Kingdom: Swiss Family Robinson Tree House & Tom Sawyer Island
Swiss Family Robinson Tree House and Tom Sawyer Island
Having just finished climbing up and down the 5 story Tree House, all pose for a picture. Theresa, having the good sense to forgo the "pleasure", saved her knees, and was ready to shoot the photo. (Hannah is hiding behind Kyla.) The noon day sun is trying mightily to get straight down through the dense foliage, which accounts for the streaking.
On the raft to go to Tom Sawyer's Island. A fun little three minute ride, with a Disney guy running it. The thing probably held 25 people. You see in the distance, the other identical one as it docks at the area where the last photo of this segment was taken.
On the TS Island, Hannah heads into one of the many little and simple attractions. Kathy's hand on the far left is taking movies.
Going across a swinging rope bridge to another portion of the same island. That's everyone: Kathy, again, bringing up the rear with movies.
At a fort, still on the Island, the girls and Garth go inside. Kathy checks out the well bucket.
Seen from the Island, the train of (I think) Thunder Canyon, which was just ridden before this.
Another view from the Island, Cinderella's castle peeking over the trees. This also looks like some beautiful European vistas. (Also of note: the Paris Disney is said to have a larger castle, since it must compete with the real ones! Also we were told that it is Sleeping Beauty's instead of Cinderella's.)
Waiting to board the raft to the "mainland" we get the pleasure of the passing riverboat. Hannah's hat at left, then Kathy, Connor, Garth.