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Beginning The Big Vacation

At the Minneapolis airport: The INfamous Northwest Airlines

Landing at Orlando

Displaying fatigue from the journey (having gotten up early) waiting in the hotel lobby:  Daughter Kathy, her daughter Kyla, our other grand daughter Hannah, Our son/their Uncle Dan. Lovely lobby of the former Dixie Landings, now called Port Orleans Riverside Disney Resort. 

Next morning, at the Disney shuttle stop: son-in-law Cam, Son Dan, Kyla, with mom Kathy in front of her, Kyla's brother, Connor (in orange), then Hannah, and her brother Garth next to her, with their Dad/our son David on the end.  In front, daughter-in-law Dawn, Roger and Theresa.  

On the shuttle to Disney Animal Kingdom: Dawn, Hannah, Dan, Kyla, Cam, Kathy, Connor, Garth, David.

Wild Animal Kingdom entrance.

>Animal Kingdom & Epcot
