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More Castaway Cay
Nice painted wood map of private Disney Island
A typical beautiful Caribbean scene on the Island. The water, clear and deep, (and water temp 89 degrees) is actually this beautiful blue green. Kathy says this might be the best photo. Maybe so.
A photo opportunity with humor. Our ship in the background, still on the private Island.
Our family disembarking in the hot noonday sun from the snorkeling boat.
Roger and Dawn in the shade for a minute deciding what to do next.
Here they all come! Looking for lunch.
And lunch it is. Blessed shade. A few minutes later we had a downpour, complete with thunder. But we were fully protected. It did start and stop enough to go to the beach, but soon all gave up and most went to their rooms for a short rest. (Cam & Dan went back before this was shot.)