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More MGM Studios

Hannah, Garth, Connor, Cam preparing to have more fun on the ride to some more special effects demonstrations. 

The tram which took us there...

First, past the Mickey water tower. We also saw a full sized Mickey airplane (bigger than this one), etc. etc.

A real wall of water floods down, only to drain away before it washes away the tram.

There she blows! Garth and Dave full up against the water, and they barely got wet. We also saw a "burning" fuel truck, and many other "mysterious" illusions, all used in movies. 

Dave and Garth waiting for the stunt cars and motorcycles to begin their show.  The setting was an "European village" street-set.

Here we go in full swing: note the motorcycle barreling in at the left; and the car on two wheels off a bit to the right. This and much more entertained us for a long time, as we sat in a large grandstand.  


A fire was started to demonstrate more tricks. There is a performer "on fire" on the set.

>And Yet More MGM Studios
