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And More Magic Kingdom

Sorry for the blur. Kathy's family getting off the "Small World" ride. They are waving.

Inside "Small World".

Dan, Dawn, Dad at the replica of the real Liberty Bell. 

WOW! At last! Cinderella's castle. And to think she was being crowned as we arrived. She had already married the prince, so then she got a crown.  That's the lucky lady in white.

Big wow again! Fireworks after the big event at the castle.  

A little vignette: In the shade for a breather: Garth (who loves poultry), Hannah, Dan, and Roger watch the ducks and other walking birds. Garth was sort of serenading the one in the dark shade to the far right.  

At the end of a long hot day, here we are back at Main Street, deciding to go to the hotel to swim.  

>Hotel Pool
