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Denise & Randy's Wedding

On a lovely Saturday in early September, just one day after our 44th wedding anniversary, we traveled to Blue Earth in far southern Minnesota for the wedding of Roger's brother, Jim's, daughter Denise and Randy.

We are privileged to witness a profoundly felt family moment as the bride and her father reach the altar.

The new bridal couple is presented to the congregation. 

Grandparents: parents of bride's mom, and bride's dad. Note the beautiful step-tiered cake in the background.  

Randy being roasted/toasted by his best man, twin brother. ("If she ain't  happy, nobody's happy"!) He himself was just married earlier this year. 

Sister Kristina (maid of honor) toasting the couple. (Note: Kristina later caught the bouquet, so we are standing by!) 

Bride in her very beautiful gown, dancing with father James. Jim was a proud dad with all four of his girls dressed in finery. Also, he presented a special gift to own bride of 30 years, since their 30th anniversary was the next day. What a guy. (We had already left, hence no photo.)

Breakfast the next day: Pop & Marlys, Dawn, Roger, Dan, Maggie, Carrie and Gary. (What happened to your  ever-present smile?) 

Same group with Theresa. Another bunch went to another restaurant. Many were already back home.
