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Connor & Grandma's Birthday Party
Connor & Grandma's birthdays are 1 day apart. So, Kathy and Cam hosted a wonderful party to celebrate.
Kyla decorated the driveway with colored chalk; Grandma and Connor admire it.
In the bright afternoon sun, Connor and grandma in close-up.
Artist Kyla gets a hug from Grandma
Inside, older grand-daughter Hannah getting her hug from Grandma.
Our oldest teenager Garth and Grandma enjoying a special moment.
Connor blowing out candles of the fabulous choc-o-lat'e cake !
Dave and Mom
Mom and Dan (Mom's look of consternation when camera man was momentarily confused.)
Kathy and Mom.
Daughter in law Dawn, and mom-in-law.
Cam - with his mother-in-law.
Cam's mom and Cam's mother-in-law
Grandkids mugging it up with Grandparents.
Beautiful front lawn scene at Kathy and Cam's .
Some nice pictures of "R & T" coming soon.