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Christmas & New Years
All the kids, wives, & grandkids were here for Christmas. Theresa's cousin Joan stayed over Friday night after Christmas. Then we went to Long Prairie for a Bleess family gathering the Sunday between Christmas & New Years. And we went to Blue Earth for a Meyer family gathering on New Years Day. Below are some excerpts from those gatherings. Excerpts for sure, because regrettably we missed getting pictures of everyone. Sorry.
Dinner in the dining room for grown ups while the kids dined in the less formal environment nearby.
The living room full of excitement as grand daughter Hannah models her new Eden Prairie school jacket. Clockwise starting at 7:00 o'clock: Glen (Daughter-in-law Dawn's brother), Dawn in blue sweater, Garth on floor, sons Dave & Dan, Son-in-law Cam, Daughter Kathy, daughter-in-law Sarah, grandson Connor looking at a new book; Grandpa Roger, Hannah; granddaughter Kyla, and Dawn's mom, Elinor.
Grandchildren: Garth on the left, Connor, Kyla, and Hannah, waiting their turn to open something.
Dave assembling Mother Theresa's new tiffany lamp from Roger.
Friday night: Starting at the right: sister Charlotte and husband Frank; next: cousin Joan (Mongeau) and husband Larry Albrecht; and Roger & Theresa after a quieter but just as special evening with grownups only.
At Joe Bleess's house on Sunday: right to left: shortest hair, longest hair, best(?) beer! Actually, right to left: nephew Adam Bleess, just before re-entry into Armed services for helicopter pilot training; nephew Aron Bleess, and son Dave Meyer.
left to right: sister-in-law Juanita, brother Jerry, sister Frannie, daughter-in-law Sarah, sisters-in-law Karen & Allette, and Charlotte with her back to camera.
left to right: Jerry and Frannie again; sisters-in-law Rona & Allette; brother-in-law Dan, and niece Lacy with her back to camera, Aunt Jeannie Mongeau, Adam in kitchen, behind.
And in the living room, watching the Vikings get beat, at the 7:00 o'clock position, then clockwise: brother Pete, (hidden) nephew Shane, Frank, nephew Jason wiping a tear away for the Vikes, Brothers Ron & Rich. In the background I believe we have Frannie's son Jeff, Pete's daughter (?); and Aron's wife Connie sitting; and Rich's daughter Amber and her boyfriend "Cubby" with Lacey near the clock. Correct us if this is wrong.
Back in the other room, Frannie (a dental assistant) created a laugh by handing "age-defying" toothpaste (really) to oldest sister Theresa. Next to Frannie is Aunt Jeannie and sister Gina. Across the table left to right is Karen, Rona, Juanita, and Charlotte.
Sisters Rhonda, Frannie, Gina and Theresa hamming it up with brother Mark.
Group sibling photo (too bad some had already headed for home when we remembered to do this): front: Pete, Mark, Rhonda. Back: Ron, Joe, Theresa, Jerry, Gina, Frannie, Rich.
Rich, Frannie in front; Jason, Rona, Mark playing cards; Ronnie standing, Joe sitting.
Joe and niece Chanda having a precious talk.
At the Meyer New Year's brunch: Host Gary and wife Carrie; Roger's Dad Louis Meyer and wife Marlys.
Roger's mother Evelyn's only sister Vivian, and her husband Cord Laue... who is a cancer survivor of some 45 years or so!
Niece Kristina and daughter Jastin, who is growing new teeth.
Roger's brother Jim with his youngest grandson Liam.
Niece Beth (Liam's mom... also mom of 3 others!); Vivian and Cord, nephews Mark, and Seth, and Carrie again.
Sisters-in-law Diane and Margaret, who is Roger's only sister. Diane is Jim's wife.
Margaret's husband Ron, Roger's brother Jim in green jacket, then Mark again in the back with Margaret's daughters Suzie and Lorie and Lorie's husband.
All of Jim's girls: Amy, Beth, Kristina, and Denise. I think Santa must have brought black leather coats!
AT Jim & Diane's house: Daughter-in-law Dawn, Louie, son Dan, Jim, Amy, and Roger.
Gary, Marlys, Ron, Carrie.