Dear friends & relatives,


Christmas is such a joyous time of the year. I look forward every year to receiving letters from all my friends and hearing about their families and their lives. But writing this letter is always hard for me. Theresa used to do it and I'd help her. Perhaps you’ve heard me say that before.


Remember last year’s Christmas letter asking for your e-mail address so that I could send you my Christmas message via e-mail? This year is my first test of that process. Whereas I used to mail just over 100 envelopes, this year, I’ll be sending 15 paper letters and 90 e-mail Christmas messages. And if anyone would like to be added to my mailing, send me an e-mail with your address.


The kids continue to treat me like a king. Each of them come over on their night each week to take me out for dinner at a nearby neighborhood restaurant. Monday is David, Tuesday is Dan, Wednesday is Kath. They catch me up on their family news so that I feel closer to all of them. It is so appreciated. (Seems like only yesterday, they looked like this.)


And the grandkids are rapidly reaching adulthood (doesn’t seem possible). David’s kids, Garth & Hannah have both completed their schooling and both have full time jobs that keep them busy, as well as many friends. Kathy’s kids, Connor & Kyla, are both still in school, but also becoming independent adults. Connor is a junior at the University of Minnesota, majoring in Bioproducts and Systems Engineering. Kyla is a senior at Wayzata High School, has a part time job as a greeter at a local restaurant, and is trying to

decide where she wants to go to college next year.



Some place in this picture is my youngest granddaughter, Kyla, a senior at Wayzata High School in the marching band at a football game.


This is my family on

Thanksgiving. Left to right: Virgie (Cam’s Mom), Connor,

Kyla, Cam, Kathy, Me, David, Garth, Dan (Hannah couldn't make it and Dawn took the photo).


I’m writing this letter in South Texas where the average daily high is in the 70s. Because winter 2 years ago was so very mild, I decided to stay in Minnesota last winter. That was a huge mistake as we had one of worst winters in years. So this year I came down here on Black Friday with Jim & Diane and I plan to stay until mid-March, depending on weather both here and in MN. Some of the kids will come visit over the holidays and I look forward to that.


I still live at RidgePointe and enjoy the many activities & amenities provided. Two 7story buildings house about 300 residents. You can view a very comprehensive web site at Lots of pictures are also available on Facebook at

See if you spot me in any of the pictures.


My major outing away from RidgePointe this year was spending 2 weeks hauling soybeans & corn from the combine in the field to the town elevator for my brother, Jim, in Blue Earth. Unfortunately, it was not a very good year. Spring was late & wet, summer was cool, late hail occurred. So the yield was down considerably from past years.





The family web site ( has taken a back seat to my postings on Facebook – see Although I have created a web site blog for my current travels in Texas. That address is


I continue to be active in the

Minnetonka Seniors

Computer Interest Group which meets

for 2 hours every Friday. If you’d like a fun learning experience, join us at Minnetonka Senior Center at10 AM each Friday. You can get a flavor for our topics from our web site whose address is


This past year about 12 RidgePointe residents helped me found a group call REAP, RidgePointe Electronic Age Program. It has been very successful with one of the monthly training classes drawing 80 attendees. I teach most of the classes. But recently Apple contacted us to provide training at their facility for our residents. It has been very well received.


You'll recall that a couple of years ago, I gave up chorus singing and contest judging. It was necessitated by not being able to make the commitment either organization expected of its participants. I do miss the fine singing the group performed, but now I hear it in the audience rather than on the stage.


Finally, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to each and every one of you. Love,

