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Christmas Letter - 2004

2004 Holiday/2005 Happy New Year greetings

We hope each of you had a good Holiday; that you are planning a new year of good things. And we love hearing from you! Don't wait for another year.

Here, we were again lucky to have all of our kids and grandkids together with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas, since they continue to live in their same homes within our Metro. Everybody is mostly in the same jobs, except Daughter-in-law Dawn has made the break away from a 19-year job with a major printer. She is returning to school, this time for web design, a nice change from the strenuous work she has done.

As for the grandkids, in January we will have our first teenager! Garth has joined a big Boy Scout troop, and among other things, they have taken long bike trips. His sister Hannah likes hats, pants, and singing the school choir. Their cousin, Connor, is already in 5th grade, and does excellent in geography bees, not to mention lots of other school situations. His sister Kyla always charms us, as she is so much like her mother was at that age.

Despite a record number of medical events, we did manage to work in a number of nice trips. Some this past year included pleasant sojourns to Louisville, Kentucky, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Next summer we will be privileged to sing in the grand new facility in Salt Lake City. Also all year long we have enjoyed many visits and various celebrations with you, our friends and relatives.

Early in 2004, Sister-in-law Una & John and Brother Jim and Diane came along on our 4th Caribbean cruise. It worked out well as we more or less did our own thing during the days and joined up for dinners. Not sure what form our winter trip will take this year. But it will be away from the cold.

Please join the fun for the biggest annual public performance of Great Northern Union Men's Chorus on January 22 at Bethel College, in the Twin Cities (student discounts available.) Also let us know if you want a new Gospel CD, available in late January. For those near Fairmont MN, GNU has been invited for a repeat performance on the 3rd Sunday in September.

We are glad you are in our lives; do stay in touch!

Please send us any new Email & regular mail addresses.

Love & Peace to all,
Roger & Theresa
E-Mail: roger.theresa@meyer.net
Web site: http://roger-theresa.n0kfb.org (new pictures there)
763.476.7382 home
612.718.5499 cell
801.365.9981 fax

