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Day 4: Thursday, February 3, 2005

Our daily journal is after the pictures.

Waiter took this blurry photo at the Mexican restaurant. Everything was always casual.   

Roger after breakfast near another park like setting. 

One of our daily different towel sculptures. One person does nothing but make these; and there is a 4 week schedule before repeating.  

In one "back" entry way, we found this huge chess set.  

Another view with those beautiful arches. 

Daily Journal

Roger went jogging early today again. Temp about 70. Ocean fairly flat. Almost no waves crashing on the shoreline rocks like other mornings.

Today we change our morning routine a bit. Instead of going to a big breakfast, we went swimming - first in the cross current pool - then to the heated jacuzzi at 100 degrees - nice. Then we shared a tropical fruit mixture drink - mostly cocoanut & pineapple per Theresa.

After lunch we walked to the Business Center to connect to the Internet and sent yesterday's report. We had some trouble with our webmail. It looked like maybe Dan had started our computer at home and downloaded our mail. Because the mail from before yesterday was missing. Although we did have trouble connecting to Meyer.net, so maybe our mail server had trouble. Anyway, hopefully you're getting these messages.

Then, this afternoon we snoozed and read and were lazy.

This evening we went to the Mexican Cuisine restaurant and had an excellent dinner. Mom didn't feel well afterward, so we didn't stay for the Mayan evening show. Went to bed early.

More tomorrow.


Mom & Dad


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