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California 2006

We, again, combined a barbershop singing contest judging assignment with vacation travel. On Saturday, April 8, Roger was on the judging panel at the Far Western District's NorCal West Division Contest held at the Heritage Theater in Campbell, California. Then Sunday to Wednesday, we spent visiting brother Mike & Mary & their family in Fremont, all near San Jose. 

As we left Minneapolis, a view of downtown. Lake Calhoun in lower left. The Metrodome is the white "square" to the right of most of the tall buildings.  

Arriving in San Jose, a fun view of the amusement part just before landing.

Not a very good "self portrait", automatically taken from an adjoining table. This is our good friend Paul  and his mother, LaVonne, Theresa's former room mate, with us at lunch in Campbell, California. Always good to renew old friendships. (Don was out of town with the daughter.)    

Here Roger is setting up his computer, while stage hands in the background set the stage light bar. (It, of course was later returned to the ceiling area.)

Roger is at the podium announcing the awards with his computer & partner in the foreground. He pointed out (from the podium) friends from over 40 years ago, who were in his original chorus in California!

Roger, Mike and Mary in the kitchen of their beautiful home, as Mary prepares the family feast. Later their kids and grandkids came; unfortunately we forgot to a take photos of them. 

In their spectacular back yard.

Again. This yard won honorable mention in a magazine. It should have won first prize! Would you believe that they do all of their own yard work.

At their office where they have a computer business: Mike swings his chair around, and we snap a quick shot of him in the corner president's office. 

Mary must be the vice president, as she has the other corner office. They have a nice suite of offices complete with shipping and receiving department, as well as several cubicles for employees.

Here's their son, Michael, who works in the company. Here he's setting up a computer system for a client.

Out front, flanked by lovely flowers.

Leaving San Jose in the spring rain.

At the edge of the Rockies near Salt Lake City.

Landing in Minneapolis/St. Paul, with a view of St Paul. The white dome is the state capitol. I can't pick out the nearby (and darker) cathedral dome.

Overall a good trip because we saw many friends and relatives; but the weather was rainy. It did not matter since our sight-seeing has been done on many other occasions.    
