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2005 Barbershop Singing

Roger sings with the Great Northern Union chorus and occasionally in a quartet. Below are a variety of pictures of this year's activities.

GNU "Annual" Show: Bethel University

LOL District Contest in La Crosse

Fairmont Performance

On-To-Fame Show

GNU & Friends at Twins Game

GNU at Mt. Olivet

GNU & Luther Norsemen

Valentine's Day quartet on February 14, 2005

On Saturday, November 19, the Great Northern Union had their "Annual" Show at Benson Great Hall on the campus of Bethel University. Below are a few pictures.

Theresa's cousin Marcy, her husband Bob, along with a couple of their good friends came up from Racine, and posed for the  picture with Theresa, before the show. Recently having finished a career of milking cows, they now have time for a little fun! We also appreciated the presence of many other friends and family. 


Great Northern Union Chorus performing amid just one small example of special stage lighting. They sang a wide variety of types of music.   

This poster highlights the four "main" public additional concerts during the next year. We are hoping for many of you to enjoy these with us. We will save tickets for you. Or you can get them on the GNU web site.   

If you have a suggested venue for another concert (any year) please let us know.  


On Saturday, October 22, the chorus sang at the Land O' Lakes District International Preliminary Chorus Contest earning the privilege of representing the LOL District that the International Contest next July in Indianapolis.

The chorus performing.

The chorus performing more.


On Sunday, September 18, the Great Northern Union chorus was invited back to Fairmont to sing a benefit concert for the Red Rock Museum. Here they are on stage.


On Saturday, June 11, the Great Northern Union chorus and the City of Lakes Sweet Adelines chorus put on their annual Spring show in preparation for GNU's trip to the International convention in July in Salt Lake City.

The audience view of the chorus from row 10, center.


On Wednesday, May 18, the Great Northern Union chorus invited singers to join them in singing the the Canadian and U.S. National Anthems at the Twins game playing Toronto. About 350 singers participated. And our kids & grandkids joined us at the game. And the Twins won 3 - 2.

The GNU director, Pete Benson, and retired Twins baseball great, Tony Oliva.

Here 350 guys wait to go onto the field.

This is about a tenth of the chorus.

Most of the chorus.

Dan & Dawn standing in the stands as seen from the field.

Enjoying the game: Kath, Kyla, Connor, Dave, Hannah, Dan, Dawn.

Ditto, except now Garth is beside Connor.


On Sunday,  April 3, 2005, the Great Northern Union chorus, in response to a repeat invitation, sang at 4 services at Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, in Richfield, MN. This is one of the largest Lutheran churches in North America, and is beautiful with gothic architecture. Sight lines to the choir loft are obstructed, so it made for some challenging photo opportunities, especially wanting to not be disruptive. But it was a very pleasant morning. 


Here we see a portion of the large congregation and some of the men, being led by the capable and enthusiastic Associate Director, Scott.   Roger is second from left. 

A view from the balcony during the trumpet heralding the beginning of service for the First Sunday After Easter. 


Similar view.  


On Saturday, March 12, the Great Northern Union chorus and the Luther Norsemen chorus from Decorah, Iowa, shared the stage at this beautiful Danish modern St. Andrew's church in Mahtomedi.  The magnificent organ is a restored 1927 model. 

This shows the combined choruses complete with organ, piano, and brass quintet accompaniment. It was an exciting and rafter-ringing evening. 

Another view of the same event; both directors taking a bow. 

Again both directors taking a bow. Roger is top row, 3rd from left. 


On Valentine's Day, a "Singing Valentines" quartet from the Great Northern Union showed up on our doorstep to sing to Theresa

Friends John, John , Bob, & Harvey ... and Theresa. They had just sung Valentines songs to her. 

Here Roger joined in. The quartet did 11 "gigs" that day. Thanks guys. (Roger's quartet performed earlier in the day.) 
