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2004 Barbershop Singing
Roger sings with the Great Northern Union chorus and occasionally in a quartet. Below are a variety of pictures of this year's activities. There will be more occasions, but we might miss photographs with Theresa out of commission to take pictures for awhile.)
GNU Wins at Appleton on October 23, 2004 | |
GNU Fairmont Show on September 19, 2004 | |
GNU Awards - Roger's 2004 BOTY on September 11, 2004 | |
GNU at Como Park on August 17, 2004 | |
On-To-Fame Show on June 12, 2004 | |
Annual Show on January 24, 2004 | |
Valentine's Day quartet on February 14, 2004 |
At the annual Land O' Lakes District, the chorus won the contest and will represent the District at the International Chorus Contest next July in Salt Lake City.
Chorus on stage at Appleton Performing Arts Center - beautiful facility. The tables in front of the stage are the judges.
District President John Plazek presents the trophy to our Chapter President Bill Lydecker and Director Pete Benson.
Fairmont show stage preparations
Chorus on stage receiving standing ovation
Theresa, Roger, John Babbs after John presented Roger with the annual Barbershopper of the Year award. John was the previous year's recipient.
This is the Great Northern Union Annual Awards Banquet held at the Lost Spur in Eagan.
Each Summer, the St. Paul Chapter sponsors an evening of barbershop singing at Como Park Pavilion featuring all the choruses from the greater Twin Cities area. Here they are all singing several patriotic songs.
Here's the chorus in their casual uniform. (Some of the quartets are in their own outfits.) Roger is in blue 3 up from bottom, 2nd one in from left. (This is the "On to Fame" show).
We shared the stage with 4 special members of our chapter, past LOL District champions, and current LOL District representatives to the International Contest, Bravo!.
We also shared the stage with our old and special friends, the 1975 International Quartet Champions, and still singing, the "Happiness Emporium", of which 2 members are active in the GNU.
The chorus in the dress uniform, just having finished singing this year's International contest set. Louisville, Kentucky, is the site of this year's Convention & Contest. This, also, "On to Fame".
For the Annual Winter Show, Chorus sang first set in shirt sleeves. Roger is in green tie on end , one row down from top.
Roger's in 4th row, far left (again, winter show).
Chorus ending their contest set (winter show).
Chorus with guest quartets (winter show).
Roger in a quartet singing on Valentine's Day. The quartet was named "Three Handsome Guys".-- You guess who "is"... who "isn't." ... :) ... It's all in fun.
And another happy client with "Three Handsome Guys". Each recipient is presented with at least two songs, a rose, a card from her personal admirer, and a photo.