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Andrea & Jeremy's Wedding
On a partly stormy & rainy evening day in June, everyone was brightened by the wedding of Theresa's brother, Ronnie & wife Alletta's daughter Amber to Jeremy Berger.
At the altar. It was a lovely and memorable service in which her brother Jaime and his wife Molly sang.
The reception was fabulous; decor was designed by the bride; and many folks, including her dad, made it happen.
To the left you see Frani's Dan, Roger, and Hannah. The beautiful hall had hundreds of friends and relatives.
Andrea & Jeremy in a rare moment of distraction away from each other! There were lots of people tinkling glasses for tons of kisses. And lovely toasts to the bride and groom.
Our daughter Kathy, with her little son Connor drinking sparkling pear juice from a beautiful glass. Next to him is our granddaughter Hannah. and next to her is Grandpa Roger Meyer. Also pictured are Jeff, son of Theresa's sister Frani, who is pictured with her husband Dan.
Here we see Theresa's brother Chuck with wife Karen, then sister Charlotte and her husband Frank, then Aunt Jeannie; and in front Chuck's friendly son Scott with wife Jorja, who come to all of our events even if Scott sometimes has to work! Just out of the picture is their new baby on the floor in an infant seat. (Sorry it is rather dark).