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Hannah @ EPHS Choral Concert

In completing her 3rd year of high school, Hannah sang at the Eden Prairie High School Choral Concert. It was held at beautiful Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie. Dan recorded her performance and will be sending me MP3 files which I'll include as soon as I receive them.

As is our custom, afterwards we went to Baker's Square for pie.

Program cover.

Panorama of 6 choral groups including men's groups, women's groups, & mixed groups. Hannah is in the back middle group in the next to top row.

Hannah sang in the Varsity Mixed Choir. They were outstanding. She stands in the next to top row on the left side. (See below)

There she is 3rd row up from the piano.


They sang 4 numbers: Things That Never Die, Domaredansen, Don't Stop Believin', & Let's Begin Again.

Better perspective on her position in the choir.

Her choir.

Then they did a number that included all women singers. Again, she's in the back group.

Here's she's lookin' at us. Dave is right beside me (sending her signals).

Top group.

All women singers performing together with flute & clarinet.

At the end of the 2 1/2 hour show, alumni were invited to join all singers for Amazing Grace. Here Dave joins in.

Since he didn't remember his part, he stood by the other men in order to sing with them.

Hannah was still in the back group.

The mass choir, including Alumni.

Panorama of all choral singers including alumni.
