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Garth Graduation

On a beautiful late afternoon in early June 2010 in downtown Hopkins at the Hopkins Center for the Arts, my oldest grandson, Garth, graduated from the Main Street School for the Performing Arts. (* photos by Dawn. Thanks, Dawn.)

Attendees included: me, Dan, Dawn, Hannah, Dave, Linda, & (unseen) Duane & Sarah.

The student band played the processional - Pomp & Circumstance.*

The 43 graduates take the stage.

And on queue, they're seated.

The principal speaks.


Since she has hay fever (that's what she said), an angel brings her a Kleenex.*


A vocal group provided a song.*


The valedictorian spoke.*

A dancer entertained.

Another vocal group provide entertainment.

Above a dance team performs.

Next the Salutatorian began her speech. However, soon her cell phone rang. She ignored it by putting it in her pocket and then continued here speech. Then it rang again. This time she looked at it and spoke the name of the male student in the front row. That was his queue. He jumped up & started dancing with her. With that pandemonium broke out and soon the whole class was dancing - on stage & in the aisles. See next photos.

Then, on queue, the whole class broke into dance - both on stage and in the aisles.


And now it's time to receive those diplomas.

Garth waits for his row to go.* 

On queue, they stand.* 

Garth walks up to receive his.* 

Don't remember why he's holding his ears.* 

They're all ready.* 

He's next.* 

As he walks across the stage, notice his nice pants & socks. Typical graduate.* 

The Principal congratulates him.* 

And his faculty.* 

He waits in the 3rd row for their queue to sit down.* 

Patient isn't he.* 

I think they're looking for their queue.* 

They made it. They're no longer students. They've graduated! Congratulations!


Garth with his mother & father.*


And his grandparents.*


Garth with his sister, Hannah.* 


Hannah graduates next year.* 

Garth with his parents & sister (who graduates next year).


That all important diploma.*


This ribbon indicates his reception of the Arts Endorsement. He'd like to have one (hint, hint, Grandpa).*

Commencement program cover.

Inside front cover.

The graduates. Note that Garth earned an Arts Endorsement. That'll look good on his resume.

Commencement program back cover.

This is probably the best grade Garth got in all high school. This is his (perfect) score for this final test in Economics where he scored 35 correct of 35 questions. That a way, Garth! That's impressive.

And I've just learned that he received 3 As and a C+ in his last semester of high school. That's great, Garth! Keep up the good work. Next week he asked me to take him to visit the Minneapolis Media Institute where he plans to go in the Fall. Minneapolis Media Institute
