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Connor's Band Concert

Kathy & I bugged Connor into joining the Wayzata High School Marching Band. Then due to schedule conflicts or weather, I didn't make it to a single football game at which he marched. But I finally made it to his final concert. Below are pictures (taken with my new phone) from that event.

Connor is now a sophmore. Here is their program cover. 

Their concert was at 2 PM and again at 4 PM with the 9th grade band in between. They played a comprehensive program of music - most enjoyable. 

Before they marched on stage, a video was shown on a large screen showing band performances as well as practices. 

More video. 

Connor was right in front of me. Here he waits to start their next song. 

Here he plays with his music right in front of his face. 

A drum major leads the band in song. 

Another drum major leads the band in another song. 

Lastly, the seniors were recognized and threw paper streamers.
