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Texas Trip

This winter, Jim & Diane invited me to vacation with them and Beth & Brad in Texas during the coldest part of winter, February. How could I pass up that invitation. It was a wonderful week in south Texas where it was 90 for a couple days. Enjoy the pictures. Or click here to read the daily journal. Note that I've added some links to my picture explanations in case you want to peruse additional information.

As we took off south from MSP, we passed over the old Control Data building where I spent a number of years of my working life. My office was on the 12th floor facing west (left).

Here we all are on our first evening in south Texas. Brad's farm helper, Dale and his wife, winter in south Texas and joined us for dinner. (L to R): Brad, Dale, Marge, Beth, Diane, Jim, & me.

Our first morning in south Texas, our travel guide, Beth, had us going to Mexico to a little town called Progreso, where we did a little shopping a lot of eating.

U.S./Mexico border as viewed from the U.S.

Rio Grand river dividing the 2 countries.

Main street of Progreso.

And we're off for the morning.

After shopping for an hour, we had to stop for morning coffee. While eating, we were serenaded by this Mariachi band.

Diane & Beth insisted I get my shoes shined by this nice young man. Jim looks on envious because he can't do it. (Note his sandals.)

Lunch in Mexico was served at a table with a white tablecloth. The food was excellent.

On my way out of the restaurant, this little fellow serenaded the audience. But I missed it. Maybe Beth or Diane got a better picture that they could send me.

Of course, on our way home from Mexico, we had to stop and buy some fresh fruit.

That afternoon, Dale & Marge invited us to their trailer shown here.

Here's Jim walking out of their trailer

Brad, Beth, Jim, Diane, & Dale.

The inside of Dale & Marge's trailer. Very nice.

The temp that afternoon was hot!

The next day we went to South Padre Island via this bridge.

Beach on South Padre Island.

Diane with coastal condos in the background.

Beth & Brad with a condo under construction in the background.

A little train that ran all the way around the room at the restaurant where we had lunch on S.P.I.

Here we are driving on the beach with the Gulf of Mexico to our right and the S.P.I. dunes on our left.

Kite flying is big on S.P.I.

At the far south end of S.P.I. is the channel to the Gulf that they line with these huge granite boulders.

We're on our way out to the Gulf harbor to do a little dolphin watching.

The bridge to S.P.I. in the distance.

Public swimming beach on south end of S.P.I. Some of the buildings on this end are hotels not condos. Theresa & I stayed in the 3rd one when were here in 2001.

A bridge open for our boat to go through.

A pod of about 6 dolphins followed our boat for about 5 minutes but were very difficult to photograph.

On Saturday, we drove to Corpus Christi where we spend several hours on board this museum ship, the USS Lexington, a World War II aircraft carrier.

USS Lexington entrance.

Corpus Christi bridge to island where USS Lexington is berthed.

Flight deck.

Guns for protecting ship from incoming enemy aircraft.

Beth sitting in the captain's chair.

Jim in the captain's chair.

Then we drove on to San Antonio where that evening we went on a Riverwalk cruise. Most enjoyable and colorful.

More Riverwalk cruise.

Diane & Jim in the restaurant where we had breakfast the next morning.

Beth standing by autographed picture of President Clinton in the restaurant.

Jim & Diane are almost lost standing in front of a wall painting.

Of course a trip to San Antonio wouldn't be complete without a visit to The Alamo.

At lunch, we were again serenaded by these Mexican gentlemen.

San Antonio has hosted a World's Fair for which this tower was built, called the Tower of the Americas. Of course, we had to go to the top.

Tower of the Americas grounds: Beth, Brad, Jim, Diane, & me.

The San Antonio professional sports arena called, what else, the Alamodome, taken from that tall tower.

Diane & Jim the next morning on a small walking bridge over the Riverwalk.

Ditto, Brad & Beth.

Time for dinner.

Jim & Diane in a carriage.

Here we all are going for a ride before bedtime.

Main hall at our hotel.

Riverwalk in the daylight.

Beth & Brad the last morning.

The Riverwalk.
