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July 4th Holiday

Over the holiday, I returned to southern Minnesota to spend some time with my father & siblings and their families. Did lots of interesting things. Here's a few of the highlights:

just after arriving in Blue Earth, my son, David, called saying he had been in motorcycle accident and had broken both wrists
helped my part-time farmer brother, Jim, to farm - spraying crops for weeds
spent the holiday with Jim's family at his daughter's Denise and her husband, Randy, and 17 month old Nolan
visited several times with my 92 year old father and his wife, Marlys
spent Saturday with with my siblings & father at my sister, Margaret, & her husband, Ron.

All siblings except Mike were there to help celebrate "Pop's" 92nd birthday on the 4th of July. Mike lives in California and will be coming back for a family wedding in August when brother Joe's daughter Jaime get married. All my kids came down including David, complete with his arm/wrist in a cast & sling... and a headache.

Margaret hosted a wonderful birthday part for Pop celebrating his 92nd birthday. The food was outstanding. The weather wasn't too hot. And a nice breeze kept the Minnesota birds away.

I stayed at my brother Jim and his wife, Diane. They also provided several wonderful meals complete with Rhubarb Crisp, one of my favorites.

All in all, I had a wonderful time, except for the sad news from David. Enjoy the pictures below. (And David's accident was awful, he was extremely fortunate to only break his wrists - surgery on Monday.)

And thanks to Dawn for many of the pictures of Pop's party & Jim's tractor. I'd left my camera at Jim's.

Grandpa Jim & Nolan.

Mama Denise & Nolan.

Mama Denise & Nolan - about to crawl through a tunnel toy.

Grandpa Jim, grandma Diane, & Nolan - at the park.

Nolan riding a school bus ride.

Roger, Gary, & Jim discussing why Jim's 1943 John Deere Model LA won't run - notice crank. It will be pulling a float in Blue Earth's Giant Days the next weekend - if they can get it to run.

Then Tom drove up on his motorcycle with trailer.

Roger, Tom, & Dan on Margaret's porch.

Margaret's porch filled with birthday party well-wishers for Pop who is 92.

More well-wishers

Dan, Tom, Roger as Tom's about to leave.

Tow of Pop's granddaughters - Kathy & Beth.

Margaret - guess she doesn't like to have her picture taken.

Marlys, Pop, & Margaret in Marg's living room.

Kathy & Pop.

Porch again.

Pop Louis with offspring, missing Mike. L to R: Pat, Roger, Jim, Pop, Marg, Joe, Tom, & Gary.

David's motorcycle after the accident on Wednesday, July 2nd. Ugh!

Here's Dave after wrist surgery on the next Monday, July 7th.
