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Happenings in 2008

Connor Band Concerts - November 1 & December 15

Thanksgiving - November 27

Nathan - November 26

Five Generations - November 6

Garth's Wrist Surgery - July 28

Hannah's Choir Concert - May 20

Connor's Jazz Band Concert - May 6

Virgie & Roger's Birthday - May 5

Easter2 - March 23

Dinner with Jess, Jeff, & Vivian - January 12

Band Concerts

This year, Connor is playing his alto saxophone in the Wayzata Senior High School band. Below are pictures of his first concert where they shared the stage with the Marching Band. At his second concert, they shared the stage with the Wind Ensemble.

At his second concert, he had to wear a tie. Here his mother helps him with the collar. Grandpa helped him tie the know.


This year the family gathered at Dave's home to celebrate Thanksgiving. His friend, Stephanie, helped him with the event.

Kath, Kyla, Stephanie, Dave, Cam.

Dave & Stephanie discuss something while Cam continues cooking & Connor watches.

Everyone is full after the most enjoyable dinner.


Recall that last winter I went on a ski trip with Kathy & Cam & their friends. Their friends had 2 young children who had no living grandfathers. So I told the little boy, Nathan, that he could call me "grandpa" for the week. He thought that was "cool." Then this fall, his school had a special program for Grandparents Day. He invited me to come to his school and participate in the festivities like his grandpa. I had a great time. Thank you, Nathan, for thinking of me.

Nathan & "grandpa"

Nathan holding the fruits of our project - a little turkey made out of a pine cone, paper, & glue.

Five Generations

This year we had a rare occurrence in Pop's family, the birth of a 5th generation person. Below is a picture of my father, 92, holding his great - great grandson, Wyatt. The lineage is: Pop - Jim - Beth - Seth - Wyatt. Fantastic!

Garth's Wrist Surgery

A couple months ago, Garth fell off a friend's gazebo roof and hurt his wrist. Turns out it was broken. So he had to have wrist surgery. But since it occurred so long ago, they had to take some bone out of his hip for a graft. He was only in the Surgery Center for about 6 hours - in at 9, out by 3. Below are pictures on surgery day.

Sarah, Garth, & Dave in Pre-Op room.

Sarah feeding him crackers in Post-Op.

Garth's ready to go home - think maybe the drugs have kicked in?

Nurse is wheeling him out to the car. Later that evening he got to feeling pretty bad - had to get stronger pain meds - for the hip graft site, mostly.

Hannah's Choir Concert

Hannah's 9th grad Choir Concert featured all the choirs from Eden Prairie High School.

Hannah is near front & center.

Connor's Jazz Band Concert

Connor played in the 8th grade Jazz Band. This was his final performance

Virgie & Roger's Birthday

Virgie & I were both born on May 5th. So the kids usually have a joint birthday party for us. This year they held it at a local Culver's which was donating some of that evening's total proceeds to a school project at Birchview where Kyla goes to school.


All the grandkids.

More grandkids plus Cam & Nate.

Here we are relaxing with Garth & Dave.



I hosted a pot luck brunch at my place for Easter this year. I had picked up a new HD TV the day before, so that's why everyone's in the family room watching TV.

Dan & I are unpacking the new TV on Saturday. 


Dave & Garth fill their plates while Kath & Virgie wait (that's me right behind Garth). 

Here's everyone in my little dining room eating Easter brunch. 


After brunch, we all retired to the family room to watch a video of Kyla at a Regional DI contest where her group qualified to compete in the State DI Contest..... and we might have watched a little basketball after Kyla's video. (I can't remember what DI is, but I'll add a link here after I talk to Kath.)


Dinner with Jess, Jeff, & Vivian

Saturday evening, I was invited over to my niece's for dinner with her family including Vivian, her 2 1/2 year old very cute little daughter. The food was excellent, and the hospitality was fabulous.

Family portrait: Jeff, Jess, & Vivian.

Vivian setting on great uncle Roger's lap, waiting for dinner.
