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Roger Receives Land O' Lakes District Hall of Fame Award
The Land O' Lakes District Fall Convention had a special meaning this year as I drove to Rochester to attend it. During a previous week about a month earlier in Blue Earth while at my brother's, I had received an e-mail message stating, "LO'L Hall of Fame Committee has unanimously endorsed your election to the LO'L Hall of Fame". You may now wonder, what is LO'L and what is the Hall of Fame award.
The barbershop singing society is divides North America into 16 districts of which Land O' Lakes is one of those districts. It is comprised of Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, & Ontario.
The LOL Fall Convention program states, "The Hall of Fame as been established to give recognition from the Land O' Lakes District to those men that have made exceptional long standing, unselfish, and devoted contributions to the District, Chapter and Society".
And I was to receive that award at the Fall Convention of the Land O' Lakes District held in Rochester, Minnesota, during the weekend of October 26-28, 2007.
My daughter, Kathy, had notified my relatives and Theresa's relatives of the presentation. Two of Theresa's cousins, Joan & Marcy, and Theresa's Uncle Vince attended the Chorus Contest and the award presentation as well as all of our kids and their families.
Roger & Jack Edgerton, a member of the Hall of Fame Committee.
The presentation was made immediately following the Chorus Contest on Saturday afternoon. Chairman Bob Dykstra read the speech below from a bibliography I had provided.
Ceremony Presentation by Bob Dykstra)
The Land
O’Lakes District Hall of Fame was established in 1988 to honor
LOL barbershoppers who have made exceptional long-standing
contributions to their home chapter and division, the Land O’Lakes
District, and the Barbershop Harmony Society.
To date, 33 individual barbershoppers and 5 quartets have been
elected to Hall of Fame membership.
Today it’s
my honor and privilege to add one more name to this impressive list of
“Who’s Who” in barbershopping in the LOL district.
Today’s inductee (I’ll call him Mr. X) has a very impressive
resume’ of contributions at all levels of our hobby in singing,
administration and judging during his forty years of barbershop
Let’s start
with Mr. X’s singing background.
He’s a quartet man, but in addition, our honoree sang as a member
of a competing chorus at thirty consecutive international
chorus competitions.
How’s that for an impressive stat? During this thirty-year consecutive
competing streak, moreover, he was a member of three different chapter
In addition
to his loyal participation as a chorus member, Mr. X has always been
heavily involved in chapter administration.
He served as chapter president five times in four different
chapters. He
contributed his expertise to
chapter functioning in many other ways including stints as
chapter treasurer and show chairman.
He also found time to serve as chair of a 10,000 Lakes Division
convention, an International Prelims convention, and the 1985
International Convention Camping program.
Mr. X earned the distinction of being named Barbershopper of the
Year in the Hilltop Chapter.
Mr. X also
has a truly impressive record of accomplishments at the district and
international level.
He served six years as the LOL Contest and Judging Vice
President. Four different
times he chaired a committee charged with submitting a bid to hold an
international convention in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
He served as Category Specialist for the old Contest Secretary
judging category. While
serving in that capacity he created the Contest Administrator position
that is used throughout the barbershop society today. And our Mr. X is
(and has been) a certified Contest Administrator for many years.
But there’s
more….a whole lot more.
In the early 1980s, Mr. X,
along with another hall-of-famer, Dr. Jim Richards (you may have
heard of him), designed and
developed a computer program which greatly facilitated the scoring of
all contests. After some
early trials it was adopted by the Society in 1984 to be used in all
competitions. Naturally,
this transition from pencil and paper and adding machines to computers
as a means of organizing scoring data met with some skepticism. Not
everybody in the judging community completely trusted this new-fangled
technology. As a result,
our man, Mr. X., served on the international competition judging panel
for the next ten years to keep an eye on the computer and his program to
make sure they produced a valid result.
In the
succeeding years he has worked diligently to keep the scoring program
up-to-date. Because of
changes in the computer world, it has been necessary for Mr X to
re-design his scoring program numerous times.
He finds it necessary to update and tweak
the system constantly because of requests to enhance the program
in various ways. For his
significant contributions to the judging program, Mr. X
has been awarded the C&J Award of Excellence and the Twenty-Year
Judge Service Award. For
his many contributions to the LOL District, he was named the 2001 Land
O’Lakes District Barbershopper of the Year.
So let’s
identify the man responsible for my taking so long to extol his myriad
contributions to the world’s greatest hobby.
I’m sure many of you
already know who I am about to introduce.
He is a member of the Hilltop and Minneapolis chapters.
Please welcome our newest member of the Land O’Lakes District
Hall of Fame………MR. ROGER MEYER.. |
Upcoming issues of the District Newsletter, The Pitchpiper, & my chapter newsletter, GNUs NEWS, will include an article regarding the award.
The lovely plaque that now adorns the walls of my home.
And as my friend, Jim Richards, so aptly put it, "Theresa would have been very proud."